
Something for everyone!

courses design kinttingisajourney makealong Jul 16, 2022

You might have seen it, that I asked you to classify yourself as to where you would place yourself on the knitting ladder - are you an absolute beginner, beginner, experienced or advanced knitter?

You might find it difficult to place yourself, and maybe you feel you are a litte of each? 

That is totally normal, knitting is a journey and it is a HUGE topic. Even the most accomplished knitters will always have something new to learn, if they say otherwise, I dare say that they are wrong. 

So where are you on the ladder? Have you made up your mind? 

When you are in my world, what might be even more important to answer is where on the ladder would you place yourself as colorwork knitter? You might be advanced in cable knitting, but never have done a stitch of colorwork knitting. Does that make you an advanced colorwork knitter? It might, but not necessarily. The skills involved are the same but different - which is one of the reasons knitting is so fascinating, you can always move to a new knitting technique when you feel like something new. 

Back to the colorwork knitting.

You might have seen this before as well, I do try to provide for alle levels of colorwork knitting. The primary focus has always been to make sure the inexperienced and beginners are invited into this magical world. By doing so the inexperienced will with time become experienced and thus the patterns and offers need to match their new level . 

In August there is a new product coming

A project that is intended for the experienced colorwork knitter ... so stay tuned 🤩 

And in September the plan is to launch a brand course

A new in-depth course for the beginner colorwork knitter. 

You see, the feedback during the last year is that quite a few of you want to dig into colorwork knitting, but find a sweater a bit intimidating as a starting project - and I TOTALLY get that! 

Therefore the idea is to make a 4 module course where you get a comprehensive introduction to the world of colorwork knitting, starting with a hat, and then a matching cowl and mittens. In this way you get small projects that dont kill your vibe and you get to practice and improving as you go along. 

What do you think?

The planning of this course is in progress and my question to you is, what is an absolute must in such a course for you? If you click on the link you and answer this super short questionnaire you are in the run for one of 2 50USD vouchers to use for any of my products. CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE AND BE IN THE RUN FOR 2 x 50USD discount vouchers to use in my web shop or on one of my courses 

Knit Bit

Until then, remember to check out the Knit Bit and practice your colorwork on the pin cushions. CHECK OUT THE KNIT BIT HERE or LOG IN HERE


Happy knitting from, 


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